Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

If you have a mom, there is nowhere you are likely to go where a prayer has not already been.
 ~ Robert Braul

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day celebrating your Mothers in honor or memory! There are many circumstances in life that make us stop to either take in every moment or celebrate every memory!
I also love to honor and remember "other" Mother's who make room in their hearts for all who need love and support! It takes a village!

Day's Like This by Van Morrison is a longtime favorite song of my Mom and I!
I am so blessed and thankful for an amazing Mom!  She has taken such great care of me unselfishly as a child and as a cancer patient.  My Mom is an amazing person with a huge heart! Always putting others first, not just her children!  I was so excited to wear my Mother's wedding dress when I got married! This is one of my favorite photos of my Mom! 

  "My Momma told me, there'll be days like this and I must remember there'll be day like this" ~VM

Enjoy your Day, Carolina Style!
Jen Jen
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Thank you so much for visiting SSCS!
Enjoy your Day, Carolina Style!
Jen Jen